Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Little Calmer...I think

Unfortunately, this blog posts things in reverse, so you may want to read this after you read the post that comes next.

I'm a little calmer today and will apologize a little more about what I wrote last night. I still want to encourage people to attempt to read something that will challenge them if you are one of those people who reads all these mind-numbing pop novels (if you're holding a book with a hot pink cover, I'm talking to you) know what, nevermind. Read whatever you want. We're all adults here (probably) and I have no business telling you what to do with your time. My frustrations are my own. I just wish America had a little more class is all--paid a little more attention to quality of life. All this plastic shit floating around in the world and houses that look like they might fall apart at the first strong wind, and fast food taking the place of a meal prepared with attention and care, and strip malls tearing down all our natural's all too much for me sometimes. Take a fuckin' breather America. There's no trophy for being first, just a bunch of pissed off neighbors that can't wait until all our resources run out so they can point and laugh. We're like the cocky little teenager of the world, just snubbing our nose at a bunch of culturally rich, mature nations who could really care less about competing with us. They'd rather spend time with their families and travel than work eighty hours a week. Can you believe the nerve of some people? I think some countries even have food that doesn't come through a window in a parking lot. And they call that success...psh!

I hate ranting. I rant because I care. I don't mean to offend. I don't mean to judge. I just want you to be a healthy, happy, educated individual. Not a softy. Discipline is important. I'm just saying that no matter who you are, you are capable of so much more than you even know and progressive people make for a progressive country. We don't have to be miserable, we don't have to work jobs that treat us like shit, we don't have to breath polluted air and drink polluted water, we don't have to sit back and watch horrible mind-numbing shit on TV while praying that things just kind of work themselves out. What you do matters. Wake up. Play along. There's a whole world out there to explore. It might take some sacrifice. You may have to--gasp!--go without something now and again, but the benefits of a slower, more mindful, and rich lifestyle will change your life and change our country. It's not all about money. It's not not about money. It just isn't ALL about money.

Breathing in, I am relaxed. Breathing out, I am alive.

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