Thursday, December 15, 2005


Hola! I want to invite everyone to visit my good friend Phil's blog at He is doing some great things for the youth of New Mexico and needs your support. Check out his blog and if you can help out I'm sure he, and the kids he's helping, would greatly appreciate it. Good luck Phil! We're going to try to scrounge up a few bucks for ya. Much love.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Where is the Sun?

It's only December and I'm already loathing another four months until the sun reappears. It's not something I talk about a lot--because I don't want it to be the defining characteristic of my personality--but I take medication for an illness called Cyclothemia (a variation of bi-polar disease where emotional ups and downs occur over shorter spans of time. People with bi-polar generally have swings that last days or weeks. Mine are slightly less dramatic than someone with bi-polar and fluctuate above and below a normal emotional range on a daily basis). As you may or may not know, many psychological illnesses come in groups, which makes psychology more of an art than a science when it comes to figuring out what is wrong with you. Part of what's "wrong" with me is that I need the sun. I can excercise and eat properly and minimize my alchohol intake all I want, but when the sun disappears for days or weeks at a time things get pretty dismal in Jeffy-land (a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there). That being said, I know there are plenty of others out there that suffer from depression or bi-polar or some other variation of being a weirdo that have a tough time during the winter months. If you're one of those people and need some help I'm opening this blog post for folks to comment on their experience with what ever ails you upstairs and how you deal with it. My best advice is to learn about what you're eating and be more disiplined with your diet, lay off the depressants or use in moderation, and get outside or to a gym (both if you can) as often as possible. Good luck this winter! Happy holidays!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


It's been about a month since the wedding now and I thought I'd give an update on how things are going. First off, thank you to everyone who made it to our wedding and to others who sent their support from afar. We could not have asked for a more beautiful wedding. It was absolutely everything we wanted it to be. Secondly: jobs.

Allison is working for a mental health outpatient facility here in Columbia, MO. She has clients who are suffering from severe mental illnesses whom she has to stay in touch with for whatever they need from her. She drives them to doctor's appointments, makes sure they are taking their medication, takes them to get groceries, etc. She's really enjoying it thus far and thinks it is going to be a great experience towards getting a graduate degree in counseling (which will probably begin in the fall of '07).

I am currently writing six days a week (taking saturdays off to hang with the wifey) and have written just over a third of the novel I'm working on (120 pages). I get up early when Allison goes to work and write until 1 or 2pm. In the afternoons I play Betty Home Maker. That's right, I'm comfortable with it. Make your jokes, point your fingers and then STICK IT, cause I'm a damn good house wife! I do all the tedious little chores like laundry and cleaning and cooking dinner, getting groceries, etcetera, etcetera (and then I drive the kids off to soccer practice in my SUV made for hauling dead bodies off Mt. McKinley before relaxing at the country club for lunch with my boyfriends...On HER credit card! OH! So naughty. Seriously though, I do fold clothes and that shit sucks. It's no laughing matter.).

And that's it from MO town. Will somebody please leave a comment besides these goddamn internet sales people (That's right, I'm talking to you Mr. "I really love what you've done with your blog and even though it's completely inappropriate I'm going to advertise on the comment section under your wedding pictures! Find a new job. One where you don't have to be a souless sniveling scum bag.).

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wedding Photos

Allison and Jeff Hardesty Posted by Picasa

Wedding Photos Posted by Picasa

Programs Posted by Picasa

les Bourgeois Posted by Picasa

Wine at front Posted by Picasa

Beautiful bride Posted by Picasa

Cuties Posted by Picasa

My mom and brothers Posted by Picasa

Allison's mom and brother Posted by Picasa

Groom  Posted by Picasa

Ring bearer and flower girl Posted by Picasa

Here comes the bride Posted by Picasa

Loving looks Posted by Picasa

The ceremony Posted by Picasa

Moms reading Posted by Picasa

Bridesmaids Posted by Picasa

Groomsmen Posted by Picasa

"With this ring..." Posted by Picasa

Happily married Posted by Picasa

Making it legal Posted by Picasa

Best Man and Maid of Honor Posted by Picasa

Parents  Posted by Picasa

Wedding Party Posted by Picasa

Emotional toasts Posted by Picasa

Cutting the Cake Posted by Picasa