Saturday, September 17, 2005

It all started in Kansas (actually Missouri)

Kansas (the sweetest drive...ever!) Posted by Picasa

Kansas sky Posted by Picasa

Kansas at sundown Posted by Picasa

Boulder, CO Posted by Picasa

Boulder, CO with friends from Philmont (Lt to Rt: Angie Janzen, Derrik Gottlib, Amy Gottlib, Marcus, Me)  Posted by Picasa

Park City Utah with Rachael Posted by Picasa

Marcus by Salt Lake Posted by Picasa

Bryn at the Great Salt Lake in Utah Posted by Picasa

Taking a dip in Idaho Posted by Picasa

Idaho at night Posted by Picasa

Entering Washington at 2AM  Posted by Picasa

Brent's quaint cabin in Washington Posted by Picasa

Brent Coyle's back yard Posted by Picasa

Brent Coyle  Posted by Picasa

Mt. Ranier from the top of Mt. Si  Posted by Picasa

Mt. Ranier Posted by Picasa

Snoqualmie Falls Posted by Picasa

Coming into Seattle Posted by Picasa