Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Books

I've been looking for a good fictional novel for several months now. I don't mean a ho-hum, that's nice, way to make another couple million Mr. Grisham kind of book; I want the goods. So if anyone out there knows of a book that will really blow my hair back, I want to hear about it. Keep in mind that I'm a student of literature, so I'm picky. That means no Nicholas Sparks, Nora Roberts or any other shitty pop-culture romantic soccer-mom writers. I like classics, but I'd prefer something more contemporary; perhaps someone obscure that I've never heard of, but that has some real talent. I'm looking for interesting characters and a plot that would make Jack Kerouac look like a couch potato. How about a good fictional adventure story? Anyone out there have one of those for me? Lay that business down in the comment section. Much obliged.


Jeff Hardesty said...

Thanks Phil! I did read Heart of Darkness at some point in college but that's one I should definately read again. I've not read anything by Paul Theroux or Che, so I'll check those out. Motorcycle Diaries (the movie) was incredible though.

My recommendations? He's not an adventure writer so much, but I am in love with F. Scott Fitzgerald. As far as beautiful imagery and thought provoking looks at an era go, Fitzgerald is king. A book I was reading right before our wedding and got distracted was "The Magus" by John Fowles. That was a good fictional adventure story with a lot of interesting topics intertwined. It's a long one and pretty dense (hence my not finishing it), but if you have some time I'd recommend it.

I'd love to hear more recommendations from people. It doesn't have to be fiction or adventure. If you have a good one, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps these titles will intrigue you:
*The Contortionist's Handbook-Craig Clevenger
*Torture the Artist-Joey Goebel(A KY writer...woohoo!)
*Haunted-Chuck Palahniuk

If you do decide to read any of these, let me know what you think. How's your book going? I made need your help on a new project I'm trying to put together. More details later.

Jeff Hardesty said...

Nice D! Thanks for the recommendations. I'll check these out. I'd love to help you out any way I can. My book is coming to a close, but I'm wracking my brain for an ending. Hopefully it will come soon. Talk to ya later!